女孩,那些強加解釋的標籤都不屬於妳,甚至風吹就會掉,千萬,不要撿起來再往身上貼,因為妳是那麼的耀眼。 Hey girls, those tags which were pasted on you reluctantly were not belonged to you, they would fall once the wind blows. Never and never pick it up and past on yourselves again as you are as bright as the sun after all.

7 min readMar 5, 2021



Those ordinary daily stories are more horrible than ghost stories.





“在逐漸失衡的世界,本就沒有什麼事是可以一直美好、一直雙贏,我只能優先選擇了自己最想保持完整的一部分。就算我有四百個哥哥、就算你是長官、就算我穿短褲、就算你喝到爛醉、就算我當下只是委婉拒絕、就算你認為你自己只是關心,都不代表你可以對我的身體、性別、年齡、職位或是意識可以恣意妄為。 — 我本來就沒有什麼都想要 ”

“在每一個團體,我們多少得藏起自己最真實的一面,察言觀色的活著,但當你覺得事情似乎漸漸走向不對勁,邏輯跟合法性也漸漸站不住腳的時候,你第一件事想到的是自己,還是那個「在人群中的自己」呢? — 我們明明都是人”




Battles in the jungle of media industries.

Although I have not had job, I gained some thoughts in the 3rd topic and stories in it. ‘’ I Don’t Want Everything ‘’ talked about the storied of sexual harassment in the company and the protagonist of this story who had counterattacked successfully. It occurred that in the world which slowly lose balance, there is nothing can always keep perfect or win-win. We should protect what we want to keep it perfect when facing harassment or other obstacles.

We sometimes think criticize other person is a childish behavior. Whereas there might appeared in workplaces. The protagonist was disappointed to manager about her cruel thinking that they wanted more casualty and sad pictures in order to gain high click rate. By knowing that she was gossiped by the manager in other group, she left the media industry without any hesitation. Because in life we unavoidable to hide the rue face in front of everyone, but when the situation deviates the moral and laws, we have to think to present the true self or the hoped face to the world.

I have seen the phenomenon of gender differentiation in university life. For instance, almost every college student has experiences of drinking alcohol. When boys drunk, we just ridiculing him and think he is stupid. While the girls are much more different, drunk girl might make boys don’t want to pursue her as girlfriend because he considers her irregularities. Moreover, news often report drunk girls will face dangers and neglect boys.

It dawned on me that we treat other in true heart but we can not ask them treat us back in the same true hearts. Hence, though I am only 19, I tell myself to be myself and respect the words by other people, while the most important is protect myself. We girls should not be limited by the social expectation because it is more precious that we know what we are doing. We don’t need anyone’s love but we have to love ourselves because we are so perfect to be liked.



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