10/08 林奏延 新冠肺炎
October 8th CEO Lin Zyou-yien
首先是檢疫追蹤的部分,我們運用了所謂TOCC的程序,還有細胞簡訊隨時警告,最後有電子圍籬確保居家隔離人員沒有踏出房子。不過在這當中其實衍生出很明顯的人權問題,在科技防疫中,我們需要注重的是 Human life or human right?而林董事長也以林口長庚的出入口管制數量提出院內感染管制的重要性。以上種種皆可知道,在一場以科技防疫的背後,多少不同領域的人員一起動員,大家一起防疫,且讓疫情透明化,便能集合全國的力量一起保護自己、保護家人。
而目前的治療方法中,有疫苗、抗病毒藥,不過在川普總統染疫後,也得到了奎寧其實無效於新冠肺炎治療的結果。再來便是廣篩,因為疫情控制很重要的是算出死亡率以及Coverage rate,與篩檢數量其實沒有很大的關係。我們也得到一個有點令人遺憾的消息,便是世界離群體免疫的門檻,60%還有一段滿長的距離。
Epidemic prevention also need the backward supports of every professionals.
In the second part, CEO Lin was going to tell us that how many experts were engaged on this protection battle in order to keep our country from virus.
First, we use the TOCC plan and cell messages to warn those people in quarantine. Moreover, there is an electronic barriers to assure they would not leave the house. However, there was a problem of human right appeared. In the technology epidemic prevention, what should we care about? Is the human right? or the human life? Furthermore, the CEO Lin also showed the control of the entrances in Linkou Chang Gung Hospital. Above information has shown that we let the situation of the pandemic be transparent, so that our public will willing to make great effort to protect our lovely home together.
Then, the vaccine and antiviral drug are some of the remedy of the COVID-19. While after the president Trump got the virus, we also ensured that the Hydroxychloroquine hade no positive effect on the COVID-19 virus. And the next problem was whether should we do the wide screening to the public. The answer was not as that the controlling of the pandemic is to calculate the death rate and the coverage rate. It has nothing with the number of the screening population. In the end, there was a sorry news that the worldwide still has a long distance to the 60% goal of herd immunity.