德魯納酒店 Hotel del luna
韓劇感想 Share my thought about the drama.
位於首爾明洞的酒店: Hotel del luna 專門接待鬼魂,社長張滿月幫助客人達成生前的遺願,讓他們沒有遺憾地去陰間。1300前造了太多殺孽的滿月被麻姑神困在德魯納贖罪,以消除身上的戾氣,但她卻養成了任性暴躁、奢侈度日、見錢眼開的的壞習慣,而協助無數亡靈完成心願的她,似乎看透了百態,有點失去了感情。卻在聘了充滿熱血與理想的第99為人類經理:具燦星後,因為他莫名的勇氣,逐漸拾起消失已久的愛,以及放下對前世的怨恨,在燦星的祝福下離開去陰間。
In the Myeon-dong, Soul, there was a hotel called Hotel del luna. The hotel only services the spirits that do not want to leave the world yet. Man-wol, who had killed a lot of people was stranded in the hotel in order to minus the killing power in her body by magoshin. While during 1300 years, she had learned some principle of the human but also cultivated some bad habits of pursuing money. However, after she met the 99th human manager, Goo Chan-sung, his vigorous personality and the sense of justice, she changed her attitude gradually, and finally leave the human world to the heaven successfully.
The drama actually told us many great thoughts of life. I am first to share one of my most preference chapter, irrigated dead wood.
There was a blind female ghost who wanted to find a pair of warm hands whose master had helped her touch the soft bread in her human time. It was confused that Man-wol looked like having low interest to solve her wish. However, when Chan-song successfully aided her find the man, it dawned on the ghost that the man who rode the motorcycle causing a traffic accident that made the girl died was the master of these pair of warm hands.
Through the experience, we can know that why Man-wol said these two sentences during the dinner that ‘’there is no any ghost who is willing to die’’ and ‘’the deepest impression to a ghost is the moment he/she died.’’ Man-wol knew the ending at the first so that she didn’t show will to solve the problem. Although she looked cold blood, she had experienced various cases that made her can judge the situation first. While she still let Chang-song to try the mission at the start to learn by himself. It seems that she was a good mentor as well.