成功在於得到的是你想要的,快樂在於想要的是你得到的 Success is what you get is what you want, happiness is what you want is what you get.
報償與成癮 Rewards and Addiction
Professor Chiao
It is believed that dopamine plays an indispensable role in our brain to control our emotion of happiness. While I have finished a book called ‘’ The Female Brain’’ written by Louann Brizendine. The book said that the female brain will be affected by different hormone at different period of life.
The most expressing chapter was the ‘’ Mommy Brain’’. Louann told us that as mommy touches the baby, the brain release dopamine that makes mommy feel happy so that in order to keep the comfortable feeling , mommy often wants to hug baby all the time. This is why some daddies feel jealous when their wives have babies. The knowledge is reported that the dopamine teaches our brain that what would makes us happy and force us to do that thing to keep the happiness existing.
However, there is also a Withdrawal Symptoms happened in mommy brain. When kids grow up and leave home, mommy sometimes feels pain because they loose the touch with children and the concentration of dopamine falls down quickly so that it makes mommy felt uncomfortable. Whereas the body get in used to the concentration of dopamine, mommy will not feel so suffering anymore.
While the dopamine explains almost everything happy things reasonably, I consider that there are a lot of things can not be explained in one theory or law. Mommy’s love to baby is forever!!