我們唯一需要害怕的,就是害怕本身 The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

2 min readNov 24, 2020


理性與感性 Sense and sensibility

焦傳金教授 Professor Chiao




I consider afraid is an emotion that has a little difference from others. According to professor’s introduction of afraid, it is said to be controlled by the Amygdala. If the Amygdala was harmed, the person can not identify the facial expression of fear and also have no idea to present fear and has no reaction to danger.

After having read the book, Welcome to Your Brain:Why You Lose Your Car Keys but Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life,which is recommended by professor in the first class. The word said by the former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, has triggered my thinking. As the fear situation and element will be remembered through emotional memories though we don’t have long-term memories before 3. That is, after we grow up, we sometimes show fear to something but we don’t know why.

This is what I have considered that it might be true that the fear brings us to feel afraid. We perhaps do not afraid the terrible things themselves (haunted house, caterpillar……etc.) we feel afraid because of the fear memories.

Hence, I always do not think fear as cowardly. Our bodies tell us to keep distance to something have dangerous risks through fear, so we won’t hurt ourselves. Consequently, next time refuse bravely if you don’t want to play the roller coaster!



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