有效的溝通有三個關鍵:以理解為動機,用聆聽當方法,讓共識成為目的There are three keys to effective communications: let understanding be your motive, use listening as your method,and set reaching a consensus as your goal. — Lessons from movies

2 min readNov 10, 2020


溝通與語言 Communication and Languages

焦傳金教授 Professor Chiao




It is believed that use languages to communicate with others is such an easy behavior. While I learned that different people have different brain areas. As the Wernicke's area is responsible to the understanding of the sentences and the Broca’s area is responsibility to the production of the grammatical sentences. Consequently, these two brain areas help us to produce culture by using languages and communicating efficiently to others.

I have read a book called ‘’Stories of your life and others’’. The first chapter was talking about the sci-fi story of language and communication. One day, there existed aliens in the world but without any hint of the reason they visit. The USA let Louise, a linguist, to be responsible to the mission that understand why aliens came. Surprisingly, she founded that the words, no, it should be called as ideogram, were not a presentation of their language like human’s. It is a separated system that being totally different from oral presentation. Whereas during the period Louise investigating and learning the language, she had founded that the deeper she understand the language, the more amazing future things she can predict.

Accordingly, the story dawned on me that we could use languages to get on touch with others while if we use it in a wrong way, it may cause war and conflicts; we use it correctly, it would help us construct a bridge of friendship. By the way, I consider to watch the movie of ‘’ Arrival’’, the movie adapted by the book in the future.




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