Do something today that your future self will thank you for. — Sean Patrick Flanery

16 min readFeb 3, 2021


賽期心得與閉幕感想 Thoughts during the competition and the ending ceremony

社會參與,責任感,同理力 Participation in the Society and Power of Taking Responsibility and Empathy

素胃戰士:你的選擇影響著世界運行的方式! 近年全球吹起了一股素食風,有越來越多年輕人以及全球知名人物宣布成為「Vegan」,展開純素的飲食生活,在美國甚至有高達四分之一的青年是素食者

Be a Vegan Fighter : As your decision can affect a whole world, the trend of being a vegan is now around the world. Almost 1/4 teenagers in the US are the vegan!

Henry and Kitty

Vegan, 是從食、衣、住、行、育樂,盡量減少、降低甚至避免一切對動物造成的傷害。而vegan是因為認知到這個世界上有無數動物因為人類的行為受到痛苦,因此選擇「植物性飲食」,從環保、道德與健康的角度實踐不傷害動物的理念。



Vegan, are a group of people who make great efforts in their daily life such like food, clothes and others with the intent not to hurt animals. And they choose eat pure vegetable in order to achieve the conception of protecting animals and the animal welfare.

It was surprised for me to meet a senior vegan, Henry, when carrying out the mission. One of my friends, Kitty, has become a vegan since entering the university. Because she loves animals very much and consider eating meat is such a cruel behavior. That is, she made determination to become a vegan. Though she faced some pressure like other vegans who ate meat before from family eat meat.

After having long talk with Henry and Kitty, there are several advantages for environment, animals and human bodies of being a vegan. Sadly, the people in Taiwan are sometimes show unfriendly attitude to vegans and vegetarians. While it is our right to choose whether to be a vegan, it is also their decisions to protect animal life. We should respect vegans in the reason that they are doing the right thing even you cannot accept their concept. And I would try to be a vegan as possible as I can.

冒險挑戰,恆毅力,突破力 The Power of Strength, Breakthrough, challenge and Adventure


Challenge without Money: You can get surprise acquisition by trying and giving your labor or talent or anyway you want. Even you are poor without one dollar, you can still have a trip with your bravery.

和 Selina 在新竹火車站 with Selina in Hsincu Train Station
課輔班的小朋友 kids in the cram school
吹長笛的大喬 Christine played the flute

這個任務的收穫,是我參加城市浪人想要達成的目的,就是「好好認識新竹」,其實我和Selina 一開始是在新竹大遠百附近的「聯電聖心課輔班」服務,負責教小朋友功課,然後我還帶了長笛,吹奏了鬼滅之刃的紅蓮華給小朋友聽,這真的是一大挑戰,我因為這個任務,下午只花了1小時就把譜背好!!


I have achieved my goal of participating City Wanderer through this mission that I actually understood more about Hsinchu. Selina and I started this mission in the ‘’UMC-Sacré-Cœur Cram school’’ and taught math and science to students there. Moreover, I also prepared the performance of playing the soundtrack, Gurenge, the main song of the famous movie, Kimetsu no Yaiba. It was such a big challenge that I only had one hour to prepare before the mission.

Therefore, we roam without specific direction after finishing teaching. Suddenly, we had a new discovery that the Dongmen Market, Chenghuang Temple Night Market and the Hsinchu train station were not as far as we often considered. It meant that I understood the city more and it made me so excited.


Charge Something by Having a Part-Time Job: Let us experience how precious everything we have by using labor or other talents like in the ancient era.

我們去了一家很特別的書店,裡面常常沒有老闆!!這間書店在關西,石店子69 書店。我們是用旁邊店家介紹的電話打電話問老闆的,因為這家書店非常特別,他只換書不賣書,因此常常有居民拿著書來交換,而且因為老闆常常不再,所以大家都很自動的交換。



Selina and I visited a special bookstore in Guanxi without boss in it and it did not sell books but exchange them. Furthermore, there is sometimes empty in the store, so residents exchange books by themselves.

The boss asked us in the phone call that we can sell the popsicle made from local rice. We met an old man when reading books. Out of imagination, the old man was the only one person who can knit the bamboo basket to keep teapot warm in Taiwan. when looking his face full of proud, it made us feel pity that once his were gone, there would not have exist his students or ascendants to inherit his traditional skill in Taiwan.

We took a novel and prose as award of our labor before leaving. The most impression gain of this mission was the old grandpa. We were touched by the true ‘’Hakka Town’’.

社會參與、公民責任感 Participate the Society and the Civil Responsibility

桃園貢丸,新竹豆干?: 每當人們談起桃園便會想到豆干,談到新竹只會想到米粉貢丸,但其實桃竹地區不只是這樣而已!

Pork balls in Taoyuan, Dried Tofu in Hsinchu? There are not only pork balls in Hsinchu and Dried Tofu in Taoyuan!!



植物染就是我們老祖宗的智慧,因為老闆娘喜歡多變,認為化學染劑除了對環境不好外,也缺乏天然色澤的美,因此決定研究植物染,然後自己開了一個工作室和教室,還有一幅東安古橋各個角度的染布掛在牆上,不說的話還以為是畫的!看到工作室的衣服、小配件都是老闆娘親手染的,我和Selina 背漂亮的布驚艷到,不知不覺竟然逛了起來,不小心冷落了另一個隊員。而老闆娘看我們喜歡,也借了帽子和圍巾給我們拍照留念(沒辦法買不起),因為老闆娘對天然的執著,才能在這些年將老祖宗的智慧傳下去。

Plant-dying is such a beautiful product that attract us deeply to visit the ‘’ Big Freedom Workshop’’ in Guanxi to see the place where the plant-dying exists.

The boss lady introduced the features like the demands of sunlight, humidity of different kinds of bluegrass. Furthermore, she also planted her own grass in the backyard and there were other plants like onions which can present different colors on the fabric.

We have asked her why she decided to open the workshop. The boss lady said that because of her preference of natural products, she wanted to use the knowledge of ancestor which dying the fabric in natural ways. Happily, Selina and I were amazed by those delicate clothes that made our partner embarrassed and the boss lady was so kind to lent us those accessories to take some picture together. We gave big gratitude to her persistent of the natural products that can inherit the ancient technical.




賽期給予滿滿幫助的小天使 our team mentor who aided us so much

Playing in Hsinchu and stepping out of the comfort zone were the motivation drove me to partake in the City Wanderer Competition. Out of imagination, I understood myself and the place more through the activity. While I have gained enormous new experiences these 3 weeks though there were some missions were still in my comfort zone. The most impressive memories were the trip to Guanxi, writing a love letter to myself and learning the conception of animal welfare of vegans. I become a little better than 3 weeks ago and I love myself and Hsinchu much more.

We used color strips as the meme of the elements used by god in creating human. Various colors with various definitions by different people that we definite our life by ourselves in the ending ceremony. The end of competition was the start of the challenge life!

紫色:自信,黃色:一底點點勇氣,橘色:大大的愛,紅色:好多好多的笑容 purple:confidence, yellow:a little courage, orange: big love to the world, red: so much smile



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