意識與自由意志 Consciousness and Free Will
焦傳金 教授 Professor Chiao
意識,人類知道、察覺自己的行為和想法,並且讓大腦指揮自己的身體去作出行動。但是意識,又可以用在所謂Alien Limb Syndrome ,他人之手症候群,上課影片中有個實驗可以讓受試者以為自己有第三隻手,或是截肢患者以為自己的手還在,並且感到疼痛,其實有時候曾經受過重傷或開刀也會有這種感覺,像是手指曾經骨折,可能有時還會覺得當時的疼痛還在,我之前盲腸炎開過刀切除闌尾,在過了一年後有時都還會覺得那邊隱隱作痛,不知道是真的痛還是只是身體還覺得闌尾還在。
Human detect their behaviors and thoughts and direct brain to carry out the commend because we have consciousness. Speaking of the consciousness, we can refer to the Alien Lim Syndrome that people consider to have third hand or patient amputated thought their hands still exist and could feel pain by some experiments we saw in the class. For instance, I have had a surgery because of the appendicitis, after removing my appendix, I sometimes felt pain there that I didn’t know whether was my body consider the appendix was still exist.
It is precious that we can own great control ability to our body, so is the thoughts in brain. Although we haven’t known what is in our brain to drive such amazing conscious behavior, we have known our brain have actually decided our action 10 seconds before we think of it. I was confused by the consequence that the biggest dissimilarity between humankind and computer was our will. Moreover, we have will and we know what we are doing, what emotion we have. If my brain has decided my action to type those words, what is it to told me that type it?
Maybe the problem of consciousness is like the question of whether the egg emerged or the chicken. We know what we are going to do the next second while our brain decided before 10 seconds and tell us to do this after 10 seconds. No matter which is the answer, it is valuable that we actually know what we are doing now though in 10 seconds late.