他人的鬼故事,是我們共同的過去式 — 柚子甜 Others horrible stories were our same past tense. — A Sweet Pomelo
Those ordinary daily stories are more horrible than ghost stories.
經歷了招魂頭七,家族對於做七都十分敏感,在女兒七十,姑姑們對於誰站在前面先燒紙錢,又吵起來了,母親的戰爭最後延燒成小孩子也加入戰局,之後更有表姊打電話給老王的爸爸告狀,表哥對於為甚麼是老王捧靈位,覺得明明有男生,雖然是外孫,更火上加油的是,師姑每次看到直系孫輩只有老王一個,都會再問:真的沒有男生嗎? 因此表哥表姊們覺得只有姓王的可以捧、爺爺生前是警察竟然是讓女生捧靈位?老王爸爸覺得他們對於爺爺的愛太虛偽,甚麼姓王不姓王、男生女生的,這些愛,好虛偽。結果變成之後捧靈位,都要輪流,像是體育課帶操一樣。
“畢竟在很久很久以前,在那個衛生棉還沒被發明的時代,因為無法隨時隨地乾爽吸收不停剝落的子宮內膜,那些帶著腥臭味的經血,讓女性妥妥的站穩不潔的地位,並融合進許多傳統習俗中。儘管台灣社會對宗教信仰自由相對開明,但遇到習俗時卻又還是那麼的保守,即使在現在的社會氛圍下,女生正逢月事也能祭祖、守靈,但在這些儀式中,依然處處彰顯了男女的差異。 — 金銀色的雪漫天飛舞 ’’
女孩們,請為自己發出聲音;男生們,請不要再用「傳統」去當作給予女生偏見的藉口。我希望我們在面對這些由男生當主導的傳統儀式時,只是因為這是個傳統,所以我們用尊重的心態去遵循,而不是真的因為這些傳統,有男女實質上的差別待遇。不只有傳統儀式中的男女不平等,其實我們自己也在日常,不知不覺用自己與他人的共同處的有無去分類,像是家鄉、年紀、家庭背景等等因素,希望可以從中找到一個舒適的圈子,一個只有自己同類的圈子。但在圈子外的就是不正常的人、活該被欺負的人嗎? 下一篇就要分享跟群體有關的女孩視角。
I have once read an article in The News Lens website from this book. After finishing the book, those stories not only touching me but make me want to cry sometimes. That is, I want to share some thoughts about 3 chapters in the book and tell everybody the scene I have seen through my eyes, a girl’s eyes.
We girls who were born in secondary.
‘’Please give us a Shing-bwei’’ and ‘’Snow is gold and silver flying in the sky’’ talked about those absurd things happened in the funeral after grandpa had passed. The first one is a ceremony that should throw divination blocks to ask whether the spirit of grandpa has come back or not. In regulation, the main role of the thrower was the author’s father. However, under the pressure of her father’s elder sisters, the oldest aunt became the main thrower. Sadly, after 4 times, she was failed to get Shing-bwei(the positive response by spirits). The female master considered the problem because of the gender, so she decided to let author’s father to throw it. The same sequence, they got 4 failures. Finally, the author threw the blocks and got Shing-bwei. But other members criticized it as grandpa’s eccentric in the reason that the author’s first name was the same as grandpa.
Till the day we called ‘’the 7th day’’, aunts were discussing about the order that who first can burn the joss paper to grandpa in heaven. While other brothers and sisters also joined the fight to argue the right that author can be the representative as the whole family. Moreover, the author was a girl and she can hold grandpa’s picture in every ceremony after the funeral though the female master would assure again after making sure that the only grandchild who had the same first name with him was the author. In Taiwan traditions, the first child of passer’s all grandchildren have the right to hold the picture after funeral. However, author’s father was disappointed about those kids’ attitude and thoughts. He considered the gender and first name were not as important at all. Their love to grandpa were too fake.
As the author, I am the first grandchild of the whole family though I have sister and other cousins younger than me. Hence, in our family, there were boys though they were not born by the first son of my grandpa. It is little clearly that my grandparents have some differential treatment among girls and boys.
The drama ‘’The Boy Name Flora A’’, Flora A was the first boy grandchild in the family, so he held his grandma’s picture in her funeral; my father was the eldest grandson of my grand grandfather, he also held the picture for him; my boy cousin held my maternal grandmother’s picture. In the tradition, it is the original that the boy take responsibility to all the important ceremonies. While in my opinion, the motivation of the behavior that the boy to be a representative of the family is based on the respect to the tradition, not the differential treatment in the reality. Furthermore, how much the passer love children and how much kids love the passer were not only defined at who has the right to hold the picture. We hope that elders insist the boy to do those things after they dying is just actually follow the tradition, and they will love girls as the same as boys or much more maybe.
We girls were tagged the special sticker after the XX gene was determined. We are called ‘’female’’ scientist, ‘’female’’ doctors……lots of the similarities happen around us every day. While it is difficult to change the deep conception in the elders’ mind, we should speak loudly when facing bias or bad treatment as we respect the traditions but not the same to sacrifice out rights.
Being girls, we should fight for our rights and boys please do not take the traditions as excuse to discriminate girls. Not only the traditions, we often classify people by some common elements such like family, hometown, ages……we build a comfort zone to make ourselves better comfortable. While those kept out of the zone were doomed to be bullied in no reason? I will share the viewpoint in the next part.