孫運璿科技演講 Sun Yun-suan Technology Lecture

2 min readNov 1, 2020


10/08 林奏延 新冠肺炎

October 8th CEO Lin Zyou-yien


From facebook of NTHU CTM




12/31 副署長向上級報告有中國那邊的病例並且通報世界衛生組織,隨即將武漢班級進行登機檢疫。

1/02 成立CDC應變小組

1/05 專家小組成立

1/07 世衛宣布發現新病毒,中國公布PCR的基因結果,並歸類為第五類傳染病

1/15 證實此病毒有人傳人的疑慮

1/20 成立第三級中央疫情指揮中心

1/21 台灣第一例

1/22 總統召開國安會議



From faceboof of NTHU CTM

The key point why Taiwan can be safe in the initial battle called COVID-19 is our ‘’preventive measures to the pandemic’’.

As the pandemic coming in a fast speed, our land where is the nearest location to the China and our density of population is also so high, it is amazing that we control the pandemic so well and we have had few deaths. The CEO Lin referred the point was that the preventive measures we have done was indispensable.

Below I am going to show the data given by CEO Lin.

12/31 the vice director made a report of the case in Wuhan to WHO and immediately implemented the quarantine to the plan from Wuhan.

1/02 the CDC has established.

1/05 composed the panel of experts.

1/07 the WHO declare that there was a new virus be found and the China announced the PCR sequence. While the virus was classified to the fifth infectious disease.

1/15 it is reported that the virus has a chance to be passed by people to people.

1/20 established the third level of CDC.

1/21 the first case in Taiwan was appeared.

1/22 the president Tsai has conducted the National Security Conference.

While our second level was switch to the first level a month ago. Furthermore, we have known that the special syndrome which was different to other flu or virus was the lose or the unusual of smelling and testing.

Or president took the pandemic as the national security and successfully made our people together to fight with the virus. The government did previous preparation in order to protect our island by the coming virus.



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