從物力到物律,技術設計與人類行為 The use of things to being ruled by things. Designs of artifacts and human behavior.
10/13 講者:洪靖 荷蘭湍特大學技術哲學博士
Jin Hong Doctor of Philosophy of Technology of University Twente
The investigation of artifacts is really one of the most exploratory issues so far that I have heard. We think the ultrasound inspection of the baby is great that it makes parents see the baby. While we haven’t thought the consequence of abortion. As for the discarding plastic and paper cups, we often hold a script of morality inside our mind. But is our conception always true?
After listening the Hong’s speech, it dawned on me that the designs of artifacts such like ultrasound, smart ammeter of environment protection, flies drawn in the urinals, the queue lines and uncomfortable seats in the UK parliament…etc. those we think nothing special actually affect our daily life greatly. Furthermore, we seem to live in the world constructed unnaturally.
Whereas it is not always bad when artifacts have politics, morality and power in it. As it is judged by different people in different aspects. Accordingly, there are various experts invest various artifacts to make our life colorful with those different thoughts.