電機05級 陳佐亦 Jerry Chen校友分享
Department of Electrical Engineering 05th, Jerry Chen
這場演講中Jerry 提供了7個心法,讓我們在動盪的時代可以穩穩往前不懼怕。
1. Be Proactive
去德國Sttigburt交換時,自己找學校,並且自學德文到C1。獨自、對自己負責,是在德國學習到的經驗,因為在Universitäte Stuttgart 的時期,租屋的房東對於孩子調皮的舉動不像亞洲父母般的責怪或打罵,而是用平等的態度去溝通,這個情景也啟發了Jerry發現德國父母對於孩子的期望是自信與獨立。以上經歷與收穫讓他認為「主動」是可以讓自己學習到除了知識外的軟實力或視野。
2. Generalist versus Expert
身為電機出身的Jerry在法國、西班牙與德國求學中開啟多扇通往世界的窗口。攻讀了奈米生醫光電研究所,以及 École Normale Supérieure 念書養成每天複習的習慣;在西班牙 Universidad Complutense de Madrid 用西班牙文學習化學,且在學校交了很多朋友,在歐盟學程中得到很多知識,更組織台灣校友會,更讓西班牙文過了A1。也或許是因為初生之犢不畏虎的關係,從這些經歷他認為一點都不痛苦,因為是在挑戰中得到快樂。
3. Learning by doing
在Collège des Ingénieurs ,這間只收Science and Technology MBA,不收學費還外加公司實習的學校進修MBA的時期,認識想要學中文的外國人,更為了要借住他家,吃了發霉的起司得到認可。也拿到Air Liquide的offer,一間科技中心做市場調查與市場需求的公司,這開啟了Jerry 的跨領域的大門。在這一年中他發現因為在公司學習做專案,法文進步神速,這便是應證「做中學」最佳的事例。
In 2020, the covid-19 virus has brought human great fear that made the graduated or employees worry about their jobs. Hence, the NTHU Alumni Association invited Jerry Chen, who graduated in 2005, NTHU Electrical Engineering, to share 7 tips of facing interdisciplinary and gave those people who were interested in studying abroad, staring a business or investment and students confusing to the future.
1. Be proactive
As being an exchange student in Sttigburt, Germany, he learned by himself German to C1. Furthermore, in the period of Universitäte Stuttgart, he knew that the education in Germany to children was teach them being confident and taking responsibility to themselves by his landlord.
In college, professors would not give us a lot of additional documents like senior as we should achieve much knowledge by asking experts instead of waiting for teachers’ given. That is, being proactive was must an important ability when pursuing more information.
2. Generalist versus expert
Having studied in France, Span and Germany, he learned and cultivated various kinds of habits in studying such like reviewing curriculum every day in École Normale Supérieure, improving his Spanish to A1 and use it to learn chemistry in Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Those experiences lead him to meet many friends while he did not be afraid when facing those challenges because he gained happiness through challenges.
Jerry told us in this part that being a generalist or an expert have no standard answer whereas it depends on what kind of person you are or which talent you have.
Speaking of the interdisciplinary, I want to introduce my department on NTHU. Double Special Programs of Management Technology is mu department that it requires students learn two special programs. The first program should be chosen among the College of Management Technology like Finance, Ecology, Management and Laws. While we have free right to choose any department as second program in NTHU.
Sometimes I am in confusion of what can I do in the future while I may perform not good enough in these two areas. After listening Jerry’s lecture, it dawned on me that just learn as more as I can and make myself better every day, there must exist a chance waiting for me.
3. Learning by doing
Collège des Ingénieurs is a university that only accept Science and Technology MBA and it do not receive tuition moreover offer inter opportunity. Jerry opened his interdisciplinary by getting the offer of Air Liquid, a company which doing market demand survey in technology companies when studying in this university. In this 1 year, his French boosted fast when learning project in company and trying the moldy cheese when living with a classmate who wanted learn Chinese form him. Jerry indeed learned a great amount experiences by doing those things.
In my opinion, we must have a motivation or desire when we want to learn something or do something. For instance, I have deeply experienced the spirit of the tip by participating club established by PME department. It really made me feel hard when learning new things, but I consider it worthy because I could gain some new skills in the club though it may not be the outcome I hope in first. I believe that even I only improve 0.01 is much better then staying at first even stepping backward.