變動時代下的跨領域生存心法 7 Tips of interdisciplinary in hard era.

6 min readFeb 16, 2021


電機05級 陳佐亦 Jerry Chen校友分享

Department of Electrical Engineering 05th, Jerry Chen


from NTHU Alumni Association

7. What do I never want to be successful without?





對於創業: Jerry 認為決定是否創業取決於考慮了自己擅長的事情後,很喜歡很喜歡這件事,想要將它做成有影響力的事情,最最重要就是願意「自己下去做」、「不後悔」,這樣創業時門檻就會變低了。

在各國求學時的挫折: 處理孤獨是Jerry這些年在海萬求學及在各個領域學習得到的很大的感想。因為曾經在西班牙念化學時全班只有一個墨西哥人會講西班牙文、隻身在海外要自己找房子、還會有課業壓力和經濟壓力在,種種容易摧毀一個人信念的糟糕狀況全部發生在一個海外遊子身上,Jerry說幸好他有信仰可以陪伴他、他也願意主動找解決學業問題的辦法(向化學專科的同學請教與討論)。



7. What do I never want to be successful without?

As the saying goes: you must lose something when you gain something. Le Petit Prince, who have special viewpoint to the world told us that it is indispensable to us to know what we actually care about and love that we did not want to lose them in the way we pursuing success. Only do we know what we cherish can we understand how we can do to achieve dream without losing them.

To my opinion, the 6th and the 7th tips were also similar in the reason that we can consider the loss the same as the risk. We can list the things we do not want to lose so that we can invent the best way to gain the goal. Although I have no founded the definition of success, I can use the tips and minus pities when I have a gain.

The Q&A after Jerry’s lecture.

About starting a business: the determination of starting a business for Jerry was that he measured his ability and limits before the begin of the business. And he assured he really love the business very much to the extent he wanted to make it well enough as an effective cooperation. By having those motivations above, the checkpoint of starting a business will lower.

The ways Jerry conquered those obstacles when studying and working overseas: as being a student living abroad, he met the difficulty as languages barriers, renting houses by himself and solving problems of chemistry. He thought that through those challenges, he learned how to face lonely. Thankfully, he had religious belief that helped him conquered those difficulties. Hence, the attitude and thoughts of facing obstacles are essential, and it is important to know how to ask foe aids. As result, the more knowledge and abilities you gain, the more connections to the world you build.

In the end, the 7 tips are not the shortcut to help us get success but can assist us use our advantages to open a door to our own success even in hard time of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021.



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